The most commonly sung version features lyrics row row row your boat / Gently down the stream / Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily / Life is but a dream. However, there have been several adaptations over the years, inserting references to crocodiles, lions, giraffes and polar bears in the stanzas. - Behind the Meaning of the Nursery Rhyme “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” (https://americansongwriter.com/behind-the-meaning-of-the-nursery-rhyme-row-row-row-your-boat/)
What if life is a simulation? And that all that you have been taught about the world, religion, and reality is a lie, which is a quote in the advertisement of David Icke’s new book entitled “the Dream.” In a Scientific America article, the argument is presented that several scientist including Neil DeGrasse Tyson has discovered and produced evidence that we do indeed live in a simulation; that is eerily parallel to the Matrix movie version of a digital dream world. I have been inspired to write this article in response to the question that has been quite often put to me, which is, but are not limited to: why are we here? What is our purpose for being here? What is life? And, why is there evil and suffering in the world. To answer this question; I recall and reference all the teachers of philosophy, religion, and scientist, in which I have chosen to support my argument. Even William Shakespeare said in a famous quote in one of his plays: pastoral comedy As You like It, spoken by the melancholy Jaques in Act II Scene VII Line 139 ("All the world's a stage"). And my main stance in this argument is that life is a training ground for the purpose of transforming us (i.e. evolving) into sons and daughters of God / YHWH / Yeshua.
Life is a test and trial
The prophet and Apostle James tells us in his book, which is found in the bible; that we should count it all joy when we encounter diverse trials and tribulations, knowing that these things serve to mold us and shape us into better children of God. If as David Icke has done in all his research, which is to say; in all his examination of many religions, he looked for those things that are shared in common with their version of the stories of man’s origins and why we are here, then we can see a common scheme being played out. Like David Icke, I have examined many sacred texts, and though I am a Messianic Jew, I do not limit myself to one spiritual text as my reference to answering these questions. And in all the text in which I have read coupled with the Aramaic Bible as my foundation for my understanding of this world and reality; they are as follows, but are not limited to: nag hammadi, Kolbrin Bible, Kebra Negast, bhagavad gita (Indian / India Mythology), Cave of Treasures, Zohar (Talmudic Text), Book of Enoch, Greek & Roman & Egyptian mythology, David Icke’s interview with Credo Mutwa on the African legend of the Chitauri, and Book of Bee.
Each of these text besides the Bible and other Jewish text all have the same theme of good and evil under different names, that are introduced to stimulate a response for growth or resistance, which is in accordance with our free-will. All these legends and stories of the creation of man are centered on an encounter with a being that was alien and super-natural origins that introduced a contradiction to the narrative that was first given to them by God, and thus enable man to have a choice, which did not exist before the introduction of evil (live inverted). The Nag Hammadi calls these supernatural alien beings, which manifest as serpent like humanoid beings the Archons, the bible calls them fallen angels and Satan, and the African tale calls them the Chitauri. The Indian tales of India calls them gods / aliens from other worlds or dimensional reality that came to combine their DNA with us in an effort to create a superior, and or slave race of humanoids. In either case of the stories, the Yin and Yang philosophy would teach us that it was necessary to have in existence the concept of polar opposites in order to give man a choice, thus enabling him to exercise free-will. And this was necessary to create a race that were more than just drones.
The Virtual Reality Head-Set and the Matrix
In light of David Icke’s explanation of our reality as being a simulation of the real earth and universe, for which our lord created, and what the Bible has taught me; we are indeed living in a reality that is so designed to support spiritual growth into the sons and daughters of God. On the other hand, if we give in to the negativity around us, then we become a source of energy (i.e. batteries) for the low vibrational entities of evil, since they can only feed on negative energy sources. As David Icke said, if we generate love energy, then these inter-dimensional beings (fallen angels, snakes & lizard people) would starve themselves to death due to positive energy being incompatible with their low vibrational energy needs. It is funny to me that Hollywood created a series of movies that are characteristic to predictive programming, known as the Matrix movie series that tells us of a reality where machines are running the show, along with a ragtag team of people that are unplugged from the computer generated fantasy that resist the machines. Just as the machines seek to keep their humans asleep in a dream world in order to use them as batteries, so to the beings of evil try to keep us asleep spiritual so that we don’t realize that we are being fed off of when we generate feelings that are negative.
What do we do? How do we pull the proverbial V.R. head-set off and realize that this is all just a dream? As I see it, the goal is to expand our consciousness and grow beyond the programming that is interdependent on our 5 senses. We must realize that our story does have an end, preferably in a graduation from this simulation to what we call heaven / paradise, if we pass all our test and thus evolve in our understanding of life and reality, and thus transform into higher beings of awareness and consciousness. We are as David Icke has put it many times over; we are a consciousness, that is, all that is, has been, and ever will be having a human experience in this simulation called earth. And if we can realize that we are more than the body we are in, then what happens to us in this simulation is of little importance beyond what we are supposed to learn and take from our experiences. We also must avoid compulsory assimilation into an A.I. system that Neuralink and Elon Musk wants to roll out onto us, while we must endure in this world until our end comes, or the 2nd coming of our lord Yeshua comes upon us.
Ø The Dream: by David Icke
Ø Behind the Meaning of the Nursery Rhyme “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” (https://americansongwriter.com/behind-the-meaning-of-the-nursery-rhyme-row-row-row-your-boat/)
Ø APRIL 1, 2021 | Confirmed! We Live in a Simulation: We must never doubt Elon Musk again
Ø Nag Hammadi
Ø Zohar
Ø Bhagavad Gita
Ø Kolbrin Bible
Ø Book of Bee
Ø Cave of Treasures
Ø Aramaic Bible